Peripheral Vision Observation
*If you did not finish this in class today, you will need to complete the observation with other subjects. Your report will be better if you have data from a variety of subjects.
Test the peripheral vision of a subject by holding a colored object (colored pencils, markers, or highlighters work well) in his/her peripheral vision. Make sure the subject doesn't know what color the object is beforehand, and ensure that the subject stares straight ahead with his/her eyes affixed on one point. Slowly move the object forward and observe when the subject can correctly determine its color. You will get more information (and thus stronger results) if you use subjects who represent a variety of visual ability (e.g., those with glasses, those who don't need glasses, those with contacts) and ages (if possible). You will also want to vary the distance from the subject that you hold the item.
Record all results; include all descriptions of the experimental methodology
- Research question and hypothesis
- Independent variable
- Dependent variable
- Extraneous variables
- Sampling/subjects
- Procedure
- Results
- What do your results demonstrate? (Be specific about the process of visual intake.)
- Were there inconsistencies in your results? If so, why?
- Discussion
Please let me know if you have questions!
Advice: Don't procrastinate!
When you say "Discussion", what do you mean?