Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Focus Questions pp.483-501

Hi everyone! Here are the focus questions for the first reading assignment for our abnormal psychology unit. Please remember that I will be available tomorrow during my office hours to help you create an individual study plan for the next week. If you would like to join us, please come early (we'll start at 3:45pm) and visit other teachers afterwards.

Before Reading
1. How do you think Freud viewed psychological disorders?
2. Write three wonderings (things you'd like to know) about psychological disorders.
3. Do you know anyone with a psychological disorder (only if you are comfortable writing about it)? If so, what has been your experience with that person?

During Reading
Symptoms of Psychological Disorders
1. Create a table for the three classic symptoms of psychological disorders. Include descriptions of each.
2. Study table 12.1. What is the spectrum of mental disorder? Explain the terms mild, moderate, and severe.
3. What is Hippocrates' Humor Theory? What do you think of his theory? What is the reasoning behind his theory?
Indicators and Classification of Psychological Disorders
4. Connect the social-cognitive-behavioral approach to personality theories. With which personality theory does this approach connect? Explain.
5. What are the indicators of abnormality? Describe each. Extra Credit Opportunity: Comment on this post with a mnemonic device for us to remember these indicators.
6. What is the DSM-IV and how do psychologists use it?
7. What is neurosis and why is it no longer included in the DSM-IV?
8. Define depression. What makes (major) depression different than sadness?
9. Compare and contrast seasonal affective disorder, major depression, and bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder. What causes each? What are the symptoms of each?
10. Compare and contrast generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias (including agoraphobia), and obsessive-compulsive disorder. What causes each? What are the symptoms of each?

After Reading Try to answer these questions without looking at your notes!
1. What is the social-cognitive-behavioral approach to psychological disorders?
2. What is the DSM-IV?
3. Review: What is the WAIS? What is the MMPI-2?
4. What is the difference between a mood disorder and an anxiety disorder?


  1. There are five main ways that indicate abnormal behavior. The first is distress. This is basically feeling excessively anxiety or nervous. This is kind of similar with depression in the way that the emotion of sadness lasts for a long period of time. The second one is maladaptiveness. This is to make other fear you or putting others in danger.This can be like a drug addict that can't hold a job. The third one is irrationality. This is to kind of behave in a inappropriate way in situations. This is like acting in the opposite in serious situations. The fourth is unpredictability. This is that the persons behavior is unpredictable. A person would act a different way every time. The behavior is not constant. The last one is unconventionally and undesirable behavior. This is behavior that is rare as in the way that they cross the line. For example some behavior might cross the line, but it is not abnormal. What makes it abnormal is that it really crosses the line and it violates some society rules.

  2. A way to aid your thinking of remembering the 5 indicators of abnormality can be told in a sort of mini-story or the acronym "DUI". We all know that DUI stands for driving under the influence. First in the indicators is distress. A way to think of distress is when you get into a car with a driver you know has been drinking. You say to yourself, "should I get into the car with this guy; I know he's really drunk, and I don't want to be in this car with him if it crashes.!" "D" in DUI stands for distress. The "I" in DUI can be substituted for irrationality, another indicator of abnormality. Irrationality is when someone is acting or talking in ways that you can't understand. When someone is drunk, their words are usually slurred; therefore it's hard for you to understand what they're saying. Irrationality, think slurred words when someone is drunk. "U" in DUI stand for both unpredictability and unconventionality and undesirable behavior. Unpredictability is pretty self explanatory as it is erratic behaviors randomly displayed. Relate this to the drunk guy by saying to yourself, "when people are drunk they can change their mood and behavior quickly." For example, if you're at a red light with the drunk driver, that person may go, turn left or right, get out of the car, use harsh language, etc. I am unable to come up with a scenario for unconventionality and undesirable behavior. However, just know that this is basically when an individual performs behaviors in public that wouldn't be socially accepted. The last indicator of abnormality, which isn't apart of the acronym is maladaptiveness. This is basically when the drunk individual(in our scenario's case)makes you feel fearful or feel as if your well being is being threatened.

    Recap: "DUI" D-Distress U-Unpredictability and Unconvetionality and Undesirable Behavior I-Irrationality M-Maladaptiveness. Just try to think of a drunk person and relate each to how that person may behave. This way may not be helpful in memorizing the actual names of the indicators, but it may help you in knowing their definitions. - Isaiah Hampton
